Zoning and Enforcement Entity of Bernalillo County,
est. by NM State Statute in 1982
Paradise Hills Special Zoning District Complaint Procedures
Please complete one of the appropriate complaint forms listed below per property or location.
Your complaint will be processed in the order received. Complaints are forwarded to other Bernalillo County enforcement entities if the complaint falls under another enforcement jurisdiction. Complaints determined to involve public safety or environmental hazards will be expedited.
There are NO ANONYMOUS complaints. Your contact information is required to process your complaint. Your contact information will NOT be disclosed to anyone so long as you show you are exercising your right to provide it in confidence. However if your information isn’t available to be reviewed by the property owners or residents to whom the complaint is directed, it cannot be used in future quasi-judicial or judicial proceeding.
A complaint may involve zoning issues, such as: storage and/or dumping of solid waste; abandoned, inoperable and junk vehicles; construction without building permits; businesses operating without a permit; storage of commercial vehicles on residential properties (front yard); open storage of trash or junk; inoperative vehicles and/or auto parts; noise; multiple dwellings on one lot; using trailers or RVs as residences, high profile or RVs parked in the front of R-1 or R-2 properties; overgrown weeds; or vermit control (insects, rodents).
Building structure, addition, wall or fence without a Permit
RV/Mobile Home Parking (Sections 3, 8 and 9)
Inoperable vehicles (Section 8)
Junkyard (Section 3)
Parking Commercial Vehicles on Property (Front Yard)
Illegal dwelling (Section 20)
Setback or Encroachment Violation (Section 18)
Exterior Lighting (Section 18)
Unauthorized Sign/Sign In Line of Sight (Section 10, 11,13, 14,17,18,19,and 20)
Temporary Sign (Section 18)
Noise (Sections 11,12, 13 and 20)
- Accessory apartment or RV as Living Quarters(Section 3: Living Quarters, Accessory and Section 16.2)
- Accessory Tourist Lodging (Section 3: Living Quarters, Accessory)
Unlicensed Rooming House (Section 3)
Accessory building or structure (Section 16.2)
Use Not Permitted in Designated Zone
Other (indicate below)
? Cell Tower
??Occupy without a Certificate of Occupancy (Section 20)
??Planned Development Permit conditions (PDP) (Section 14)
??Plat resurvey or classification
??Site plan (Section 4)
Special Use Permit conditions (SUP) (Section 13)
??Zoning Classification Change (Section 20)
??Zoning Verification
Operating a Business without a Permit
Operating a Home occupation (Section 3) without a Permit
Operating A Non-Conforming Business
Excessive Weeds or Grass (Section 20)
Vegetation Creating Line of Site or Driving Hazards
Open Storage of Trash or Junk on Property
Storage of Hazardous Waste or Materials
Excessive insects or rodents
Falling or Damaged Fences or Walls
Abandoned Structures
Chickens, Livestock on Property
Clearing/tree cutting (Section 4)
Channel Erosion
Drainage from Road
Dust from Construction
Environmental Issue(s) (Section 4)
Grading/Land Disturbance (Section 4)
Hazardous pollutant(s) (Section 4)
Lot Drainage
Mud on Road
No erosion control fencing
Pond construction/impact (Section 4)
Siltation from Construction
Stream buffer encroachment/ impact (Section 4)
Water supply impact (Section 4)
Wetland impact (Section 4)
Other (indicate below)