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Zoning and Enforcement Entity of Bernalillo County,
est. by NM State Statute in 1982
Property Owner Authorization Forms must be stamped by a Notary. This form is only necessary when the property owner is not the primary contact.
Fee Estimate forms are required for all Applications. After completing the form a copy of your Invoice will be emailed to you . Print your invoice and send it, along with your payment to:
Paradise Hills Special Zoning District
PO Box 66791
Albuquerque, NM 87193
How to Submit Zoning Permit Applications
Applications with permitted uses and conforming projects don't require attendance at our public meeting to be issued a permit. An application is considered conforming if it is complete and conforms to the PHSZD zoning rules. In addition, a conforming application does not request conditional use, variance, special use, additional steps, or an administrative hearing. If you are requesting a variance or your application is otherwise non-conforming, please reach out to us so that you can be added to an upcoming meeting's agenda.
See rules by zoning classification in the PHSZD Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. You can download the ordinance in PDF format by clicking the button to the left.
The Commission will not issue zoning permits or notices of zoning determinations until all fees are received. Send the PHSZD Permit Fee Estimate Form with any fees invoiced by the Commission. Please see PHSZD Fee Schedule for rates and conditions.​​
Mail Fees with a printed copy of the PHSZD Permit Fee Estimate Form to:
Paradise Hills Special Zoning District
P.O. Box 66791
Albuquerque, NM 87193
Form Instructions​
Once you have completed a permit application, automated instructions will be sent describing the following steps and verification of the application's data.
​​​​Assemble digital PDF copies of supporting documents before launching the permit application. Supporting document needed:
Official digital copies of documents for ownership (Bernalillo County Property Tax Appraisal or the Bernalillo County Property Tax Bill). The following link is an online portal to obtain current tax records:
If the property owner's name does not apper on the record, submit an Owner's Warranty Deed or Title Insurance. The following is a link to the County Assessor's website:
The Property Legal Survery can be found in mortgage title packages or ordered from the Office of the County Clerk:
Project site plans and plan submittals for constructions permits are required and described in the PHSZD Permit Application instructions.
Contractor/Agent information: website, email, phone, address, company name, primary contact, and contractor's license number are required.
A notarized digital copy of the PHSZD Property Owner/Agent Authorization Form is required when the property owner is not the primary contact for the project. Download a PDF copy of the form by clicking the appropriate button to the left.
Complete applications will be reviewed in the order time-stamped, and the Commission cannot guarantee review before the next scheduled meeting due to the high volume of permit applications.
Incomplete applications are not reviewed. An application is considered incomplete if it requires:
Data extraction from supporting documents.
Further investigation by the Commission.​
The Commission reviews applications only after a fee has been received and logged, and the application is found to be complete and conforming to the PHSZD Zoning Ordinance. The Commission will contact the applicant should the PHSZD Ordinance require additional steps.
It is not required that you attend a meeting to get a permit approved. If you wish to be on the agenda for an upcoming meeting regarding your permit application, the application along with supporting documents must be received 14 days before the requested meeting date.
The PHSZD Ordinance requires Administrative hearings and special notifications for some zoning permit application types: variances, conditional or special use, zoning text change, planned developments, modification in the zoning classification boundary map, lot unification, and zone verification reports. Please get in touch with the Commission with requests for Administrative Hearings.​
Please do not send application information or documentation directly to the Commission unless instructed to do so. All documentation should be submitted via the application forms to the left.
Permit applications are public documents and subject to the IPRA. The PHSZD Commission must post some public records on the PHSZD website to conform to public notification rules and the New Mexico Open Meetings Act.​​
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