Thursday, October 10, 2024, at 6:30 PM; Sign-in at 6:20 PM
Call to Order, Roll Call by the Commissioners to establish a Quorum.
Proceed with a 'vote to approve the Agenda, a crucial step that sets the course of the meeting and ensures all topics are covered.
The Commission will review unresolved applications due to missing supporting documents, unpaid or partially paid permit fees, or nonconforming projects requiring a variance or rejection, ensuring a thorough and fair review process.
Michael F. Lucero, 5973 Avenida La Barranca Ct. NW Building Modification and Addition.
Max D. Martinez, 9912 Columbus Circle NW, Building Modification and Addition.
Louis and Brian Ortiz 10012 Park Lane, B Square Construction, Building Modification and Addition.
Jose Valenzuela, 5709 Alegria Rd NW, Roof Modification.
Commissioners will review the status of all pending enforcement actions. Commissioners will review existing and proposed compliant forms, and inspection form.
Vote to approve completed Minutes.
Engage in a comprehensive 'discussion of Commissioner's recommendations for new procedures (see notice below).
Comments on new and continuing 2024 expenses
Review of posted ordinance revisions as of Thursday, October 10, 2024. Please see the endnote and website, First reading of Off-street and On-site Parking and Loading; continued discussion of On-site parking for R-1 Single Family Residential, R-2 Medium-Density Housing, and R-3 High-Density Housing . Discussion of Draft Lighting and Dark Skies Zoning Ordinances. Review of Draft of Administration and Operations. Review of dimensional standards, buffers and accessory uses for R-1, R-2, R-3. Dimensional standards, buffers and Accessory uses for Neighborhood Commercial (Mixed Use) and Commercial.
Calendar for publication and approval of pending Ordinance Legislation.
Partially Deferred from Agenda 2024_08-15). Report on Unser Information to Bernalillo County
Announcements and Proposed New Business. Propose joint community meeting with mailing with Paradise Hills Civic Association and Paradise Hills Special Zoning District. The primary topics would be the Ordinance updates and yearly meeting for the PHCA. Review possible criteria for including community wide messages in opt-in and/or joint news letter.
Adjourn to the next scheduled meeting
Endnotes:1. The Commission began to publish revisions to the PHSZD Ordinance in
September 2023. The Paradise Hills Special Zoning District Commission revised the Paradise Hills Special Zoning District Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, edited in 2009. The Commission posted half of the draft Ordinance updates on September 21, 2023, and several additional Sections this week. The Commission published the annotated changes through the website (Sections 1 through 22). The Paradise Hills Special Zoning District
Commission will post the Final Draft Comprehensive Ordinance in 2024.
The Commission will schedule the Legislative Hearing to vote on the proposed
amendments. In the immediate future, the Commission proposes online meetings to automatically produce required video recordings of the meetings (New Mexico Open Meetings Act and NM State Zoning Statute).
All public meetings and agendas are on the Paradise Hills Special Zoning District website. The Commissioners welcome comments, and our neighbors can attend all scheduled meetings via Zoom Links and give comments at public meetings by mailing to the Commission's Post Office Box or via our email address (
Changes include updates to policies and procedures currently approved by the Commission through past resolutions or legislative approval and new proposed resolutions. A Commission committee (Commissioners Haley and Fleck) is revising the website's transparency portal.
Link to the scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: PHSZD Commission MTG Thursday October 10, 2024 at 6:30 PM MST
Time: Oct 10, 2024 06:30 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
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