Abel Cardenas, Deanna Dopslaf, Elizabeth Haley, Pete Reser, Val W. Vaughn
Please see the HOME PAGE for Zoom Meeting Links; Project Specific Comment may be scheduled through the MEETINGS PAGE. General comments are allowed at each meeting. A PDF copy of the proposed 2022_01_11 Meeting Agenda can be downloaded from this page.
Public Meeting the Paradise Hills Special Zoning District Commission
Public Meeting 2022_01_11 at 6:30 PM, items Tabled from Canceled PM on 2021_12_28
1. Call to Order/Roll Call /Establishment of Quorum
2. Introduction of Applicants and Participants. Explanation of PHSZD rules of participation
New Business
3. 2021_10_006 (10/24/2021 21:40:03) Palmer_PL_NW_9901, Levi & Kristen Gonzalez Wall Addition; Elizabeth Haley abstaining and recusal as adjacent neighbor
Old Business:
4. Resubmitted Unser Sound Attenuation Wall project adjacent to public utility corridors_street right-of-way (Continued from 2021_12_28.)
a. Meetings, Applications, and Reports to Entities and Persons with Standing
b. New Timeline and Procedures for Amendment such as type of permit, letters to Bernalillo County and permit review criteria.
c. Policies for Public Notification
i. Addressing for notification and Newspaper advertisement
ii. Project review: tasks timeline and planning for Administrative Hearing and other pending issues.
5. Pre-Project Review of 5901 Paradise BLVD, the Paradise Hills Community Center. Continued from 2021_12_07.)
a. Meetings, Applications, and Reports to Entities and Persons with Standing
b. New Timeline and Procedures for Amendment of the S.U. and P.D. Permit
c. Policies for Public Notification
i. Addressing for notification
ii. Project review: tasks timeline and planning for Administrative Hearing and any permit issues.
6. Summary of Year to Date
a. Treasures Report
b. Consent Agenda and Conforming Projects Audit (2021:100 permits so far)
c. Minutes - PHSZD Public Meetings:
d. New Complaints
e. Website Public Documents Changes
f. Revisions to New Mexico State Statute for Special Zoning Districts
New Business Continued
8. Adjourn to next scheduled meeting